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Assembly functions have a single address - Knowledgebase / TRACE32 PowerView - Lauterbach Support

Assembly functions have a single address

Assembly functions are often represented in the debugging information by the compiler as a single address label. As a consequence, these assembly functions won’t be for example included in the function run-time analysis or function coverage windows.

The commands sYmbol.Modify.AddressToRange and sYmbol.Modify.RangeToFunction can be used together in this case in order to change these single address labels into functions.


sYmbol.Modify.AddressToRange _divsi3
sYmbol.Modify.RangeToFunction _divsi3

sYmbol.Modify.AddressToRange extends a single address label into a symbol with an address range. The address range starts at the symbol address and ends at the address of the next symbol minus 1. sYmbol.Modify.RangeToFunction converts then the extended range into a function.

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