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Controlling TRACE32 via Python - Knowledgebase / Videos / Scripting and Remote Control - Lauterbach Support

Controlling TRACE32 via Python


This video shows how you can control a TRACE32 instance remotely via Python and introduces the TRACE32 build-in lightweight Python support. 


Controlling TRACE32 via Python (ca. 4 min)

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Comments (6)

Prashant Patange
At first instance, it was really hard to understand, but after repeated trials and multiple documentation, i was able to play with Trace32 using python. Can you please share the example project for us to explore more.
Wiem Wala Benayed
I will send you the files by email
Thanks for this training video that let me know how to use Python to control Trace32, can you share the script? I have been studying how to use python scripts to automatically control trace32 startup and various operations. Is the interface control enabled? Do you have any relevant information? Thank you so much!
Khaled Jmal

Hello, you can find now the python script attached to the article.

Josue Cuevas
Hi, The link to download the script is down. Would you please reupload it? Thanks for sharing!
Wiem Wala Benayed

The link is now available again and contains all needed files for the demo.

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