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FATAL ERROR from PODBUS-driver: TRACE32 USB device not connected - Knowledgebase / Setup / update - Lauterbach Support

FATAL ERROR from PODBUS-driver: TRACE32 USB device not connected

This error message appears when the TRACE32 PowerView software is not able to connect to the TRACE32 PowerDebug device over USB

  • Check that the PowerDebug device is powered and correctly connected to the PC. This error can be also due to a wrong or defective debugger power supply.

  • Check if the PowerDebug device is correctly detected by your host operating system. Under MS Windows for instance, the device should appear under "TRACE32 Devices" in the device manager

  • Avoid using a USB hub and connect the PowerDebug device directly onto the PCs USB-port.

  • In case you have multiple PowerDebug devices connected to the PC over USB, then you need to specify the node name in the TRACE32 configuration file. If using T32Start you can configure the physical interface under ConnectionType:USB and the wished device name under USB Settings->Device Name. A configuration file will then may look like this:

;Connection to Host
NODE=<serialnumber of debugger or device name>

The device name is per default the serial number of the debug module.

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