Add the option “-dual_debug” to your compiler/linker settings to generate high-level language debug information.
Add the option “-No_Ignore_Debug_References” to your compiler/linker settings in case of missing high-level source code line information in the ELF file.
Load the code with option /GHS example:
Data.LOAD.Elf filename /GHS
The compiler can generate source code line information which points to odd addresses. For TRACE32 the source code line information and its address has priority, so it can happen the disassembly of certain code lines is terminated. In this case “/////////” is displayed. As workaround TRACE32 can ignore such source code line information. Use command:
The compiler can generate bitfields in inverted order. Unfortunately the ELF files does not contain any information about the bit order in use. In case of wrong bit-variable display please use the option
when loading the code
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