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How can I do protocol analysis with the TRACE32 logic analyzers? - Knowledgebase / Tracing - Lauterbach Support

How can I do protocol analysis with the TRACE32 logic analyzers?

You can use the command < trace >.PROTOcol.list where < trace > is a placeholder for the used trace method, e.g. CIProbe (Mixed-Signal Probe), IProbe, Integrator (PowerIntegrator), Probe (PowerProbe)

Supported protocols are JTAG, CAN, USB, I2C, I2S, ASYNC, SWDP, SPI

TRACE32 offers an API that allows to use special, customer specific protocols. Examples for special protocols are provided in the TRACE32 installation directory under ~~/demo/proto

Refer for more information to the description of < trace >.PROTOcol.list in 

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Comments (3)
Does the IProbe support protocol for SPI as well? When I typed in IProbe.Proto.List with my setup, I only see JTAG, CAN, USB, I2C, I2S, ASYNC, PROBEUSB, as the options to pick from.
Khaled Jmal
Please refer to the example in the TRACE32 installation directory under demo\proto\spi This path includes an SPI protocol analyzer DLL You can start the SPI protocol analysis with the following TRACE32 command: .PROTOcol.List protospi.dll [LSBF|MSBF] [INVMASK] Refer to the file demo\proto\spi\readme.txt for more information
Mathias Sandner
It is actually possible (since 2011) to type “IProbe.PROTOcol.list SPI ” without specifying a DLL. In recent TRACE32 versions, there has been a bug that caused the button for SPI to disappear. This will be fixed with the R.2024.02 release, but the simple workaround is to just type “SPI” without the button.

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