The default method that always works is to print the TRACE32 window into a file, and then parse this file using specific PRACTICE commands and functions.
Example: Parsing a TASK.STacK window
let’s consider that you want to get the different values displayed in the following TASK.STacK window:
The first step is to print the window into a file using the PRinTer.FILE and WinPrint commands:
PRinTer.FILE test.txt // redirect the printer output to the file test.txt
WinPrint.TASK.STack // send the content of the window to the printer
The next step is to parse the file using the PRACTICE commands OPEN, READ and CLOSE as well as the STRing.* PRACTICE functions
// declare macros
PRIVATE &stack_line
PRIVATE &task_name &low &high &sp &lowest &spare &max &tmp
// open the file for reading and writing
OPEN #1 test.txt
// read the first line of the file, which corresponds to the command name, into the macro &stack_line
READ #1 %LINE &stack_line
// read the second line of the file, which corresponds to the column names, into the macro &stack_line
READ #1 %LINE &stack_line
// iterate over the rest of lines until the end of the file is reached:
// read one line
READ #1 %LINE &stack_line
// Abort when reading an empty line
IF "&stack_line"==""
// extract name and emove unnecessary spaces
// extract low and high values
&low=STRing.SPLIT("&tmp"," ",0)
&high=STRing.SPLIT("&tmp"," ",1)
// extract sp
&sp=STRing.SPLIT("&sp"," ",0)
// extract lowest, spare and max
&lowest=STRing.SPLIT("&tmp"," ",0)
&spare=STRing.SPLIT("&tmp"," ",1)
&max=STRing.SPLIT("&tmp"," ",-1)
// print results
PRINT "------------------------------------------"
PRINT "Task name: &task_name"
PRINT "Low stack address: &low"
PRINT "High stack address: &high"
PRINT "SP value: &sp"
PRINT "Lowest used stack address: &lowest"
PRINT "Spare bytes: &spare"
PRINT "Max stack space used: &max"
// close the file
Final Results
Here is an example of the parsed output displayed in the AREA.view window:
The PRACTICE commands and functions used in this script are described in the following documentation:
PRinTer.FILE and WinPrint: PowerView Command Reference
OPEN, READ and CLOSE: PRACTICE Script Language Reference Guide
STRing.* PRACTICE functions: PowerView Function Reference
Alternative Approach
It is possible to get the values displayed in some TRACE32 windows using specific PRACTICE functions directly. For example, refer to the description of the sYmbol.List.MAP.<x>() functions in General Function Reference.
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