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How do I start a hidden instance of TRACE32? - Knowledgebase / TRACE32 PowerView - Lauterbach Support

How do I start a hidden instance of TRACE32?

There are three ways to configure TRACE32 to start as a hidden instance by adding different SCREEN= options in the configuration file (e.g. config.t32). Choose one of the configuration options:

  1. The main window of TRACE32 remains hidden. However, dialogs and other window of TRACE32 can still be opened. This is useful, for example, if an error occurs during a regression test.


  2. The main window of TRACE32 and all other dialogs and windows of TRACE32 remain hidden - even if an error occurs.


  3. The main window of TRACE32 is added to the toolbar of the host computer. It can be fully displayed in case of an error.


Please refer for more information refer to the chapter "TRACE32 as a Hidden Instance" in the TRACE32 Installation Guide.

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