There are three ways to control TRACE32 PowerView remotely:
- Using the TRACE32 Remote API. Refer for more information to API for Remote Control and JTAG Access in C and Controlling TRACE32 via Python 3.
To launch some scripts or execute some simple commands from a bash shell, you can use the command line tool t32rem from the <T32>/bin/<os> folder. This tool uses the TRACE32 Remote API to send TRACE32 commands to open TRACE32 GUIs. - TRACE32 PowerView implements a GDB stub functionality. This provides an interface to any application using the GDB Remote Serial Protocol (RSP) to control TRACE32 PowerView via TCP or UDP. Refer for more information to TRACE32 as GDB Back-End.
- Using the Target Communication Framework (TCF), which can be used to access the TRACE32 debug functionality from within Eclipse. Refer for more information to TRACE32 as TCF Agent.
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