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Is it possible to display multiple terminal windows in the same time with TRACE32 PowerView? - Knowledgebase / TRACE32 PowerView - Lauterbach Support

Is it possible to display multiple terminal windows in the same time with TRACE32 PowerView?

TRACE32 PowerView can display up to 9 separate terminal windows at the same time.
The method can be defined with an index using the command TERM.METHOD # ... The same index can then be used to open the terminal window.

For channel 1 --> TERM.METHOD #1 SingleE 0x1 0x1
For channel 2 --> TERM.METHOD #2 BufferE 0x2 0x2
For channel 1 --> TERM.view #1
For channel 2 --> TERM.view #2

Further information can be found in General Commands Reference Guide T

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