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[Linux] Prerequisites for the TRACE32 host driver(s) - Knowledgebase / Setup / update - Lauterbach Support

[Linux] Prerequisites for the TRACE32 host driver(s)

The TRACE32 host driver for Linux tries to be distribution independent and is currently only available for Linux/x86_64 (Linux/PPC and Linux/ARM64 on request).
Nevertheless, there are some requirements inherited through the build environment.

From Release 2021/02 onwards, the requirements for Linux/x86_64 are:

  •  glibc >= 2.17
  • motif/openmotif >= 2.3.1 (for the Motif/CDE version)
  •  Qt5 >= 5.6 (for the Qt version)

These requirements resolve for example to RHEL >= 7, Suse SLE >= 12 or Ubuntu >= 18.04

For releases 2018/02 to 2020/09 on Linux/x86 and Linux/x86_64 the requirements were:   

  • glibc >= 2.12
  • X11 >= 7.6
  • motif/openmotif >= 2.3.1 (for the Motif/CDE version)
  • Qt4 (not Qt5) >= 4.6.2 (for the Qt version)

These requirements resolve for example to RHEL >= 6, Suse SLE >= 11 or Ubuntu >= 10.10

For releases 2017/09 and earlier, the requirements were: 

  • glibc >= 2.5
  • X11 >= 6.9

These requirements resolve for example to RHEL >= 5 or Suse >= 10.

In any case, make sure you have all available X font packages (especially both the 75dpi and 100dpi versions) of your distribution installed to get the best possible display.

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