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PowerDebug X50 TCP port number - Knowledgebase / Setup / update - Lauterbach Support

PowerDebug X50 TCP port number

When you connect to a PowerDebug X50 device via Ethernet, the communication is initiated like this:

  1. TRACE32 PowerView on the PC sends a UDP packet to port 20000 on the PowerDebug X50 device.

  2. The PowerDebug X50 device responds with a UDP packet to tell TRACE32 running on the PC to switch to TCP.

  3. TRACE32 PowerView connects via TCP to port 9187 on the PowerDebug X50.

  4. The PowerDebug X50 accepts the TCP connection request on port 9187.

All further communication via Ethernet is then send via TCP.

It’s possible to skip the initial UDP handshake, by using the line


instead of NET in the PBI= section of the configuration file, example:




Please refer to the TRACE32 Installation Guide for more information about the TRACE32 configuration file.


  • NETTCP will only work for PowerDebug X50 devices; older devices do not support TCP.

  • The PowerDebug X50 requires TRACE32 software version 2022/09 SP2 (R.2022.09.000157066) or newer.

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