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Using multiple USB devices with several TRACE32 instances - Knowledgebase / Setup / update - Lauterbach Support

Using multiple USB devices with several TRACE32 instances

If you need to debug with more than one PowerDebug module connected to the PC or workstation via USB, you can address these using their device name in the configuration file (e.g. config.t32). The option NODE=<device_name> in the configuration file tells TRACE32 to connect with the specific ‘named USB device’ that you want.



The device name can be set in TRACE32 PowerView using the menu Misc > Interface Config or by calling the command IFCONFIG.state from the TRACE32 command line. Please refer to the  TRACE32 Installation Guide for more information.

If T32Start.exe is used, the device name can be set under USB Settings > Device Name.

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Comments (2)

Mohamed Amin
Hello I got two debuggers I need to work with them at the same time but, unfortunately, they have the same name and same comport how can i resolve this issue
Firas Zouaghi


In this case, by opening the IFCONFIG window, you can change the device name in the device name section and click "Save to Device."

Alternatively, you can revert the device name to its default (the serial number of the PowerDebug) by clicking on "Set Default Device Name."

After that, change the node name in the config file as shown in the example provided above.

If you're using T32Start, open the USB settings and edit your new device name there.

Best Regards.

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