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Support for tree-sitter-t32 in TRACE32 Awesome Projects - News / Community - Lauterbach Support

Aug 8 2023

Support for tree-sitter-t32 in TRACE32 Awesome Projects

Many developers and testers are passionate TRACE32 users. To provide a platform where like-minded people can share their expertise, Lauterbach is curating an awesome TRACE32 GitLab repository since March 1, 2022. Lauterbach invites all its TRACE32 users to share scripts in Python or PRACTICE and to contribute tutorials and technical articles. The intention is to create a platform through which passionate users, but also newcomers, can inspire or learn from each other.

The newest contribution is tree-sitter-t32, a Tree-sitter grammar for the TRACE32 script language. Tree-sitter is a fast parsing library/parser generation tool that can be easily embedded into code editors or other applications. Besides syntax highlighting it provides advanced features like code navigation, automatic indentation or folding of code blocks.

tree-sitter-t32 provides full coverage of the PRACTICE script language including TRACE32 commands/functions and extended support for HLL expressions. It is currently available for the code editors Neovim and Helix. In general, once a code editor incorporates the Tree-Sitter parsing library, support for tree-sitter-t32 can be enabled.

Curious? Find a demo here.

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