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Debug S32k344 With MIPI10 - Community / Debugging - Lauterbach Support


Debug S32k344 With MIPI10 Awaiting Agent

Currently, I am trying to debug a S32K342 microcontroler with a MIPI10 jtag connector on a lauterbach and i'm facing issues. Previously I tried to flash a S32K344 microcontroler with MIPI20 sucessfully, but for a MIPI10 is not working neither on the S32k344 board, nor the S32K344. Is there specific configurations that shall be done to be able to use it? Can you provide help? (The setup uses a lauterbach connected to a whisker MIPI20T and an adapter cable MIPI20 to mIPI10 conected to the board side)

Comment (1)

Lella Aicha Ayadi

Hello Jose,

Apologies for the delayed response. We received a notification about your post yesterday.

We see that you’ve already opened a new support ticket for the same request.

The support team will address your query through the ticket promptly.

Thank you for your understanding.



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