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freertos on STARF: switch context error - Community / Debugging - Lauterbach Support


freertos on STARF: switch context error Awaiting Agent

Hi, Experts
I have a board running freertos(version is V10.2.0), and the cpu
is STARF(chinese version arm cortex-m33)
Now I can connect the board, and list all the tasks, and can "display details", "display task struct" from menu, but if I used the "display Stack Frame" or "Switch context", it failed "fatel error". the message window says: "Warning: Register name cpsr unknown!".
Here is my simple scripts:
system.cpu STARF
system.JtagClock 4M


MENU.ReProgram ~~/demo/arm/kernel/freertos/
task.config ~~/demo/arm/kernel/freertos/freertos.t32

Please give some clue, thanks a lot.
Yingchun Li

Comments (4)

yingchun li
corter-m33 doesn't have CPSR register, it only has XPSR register.
Oussema Koubaa
Hello, To ensure a proper support of this core, I need you to send me the ELF file you are working with. In this case, please open a new ticket: "". Best Regards,
yingchun li
Hi, I have created a ticket, and also attach a simple elf, with three tasks, pls check it. Thanks! Br, Yingchun Li
yingchun li
If I force the cpu type to CORTEXM33, even if there is a warning, but seem the "context switch " works. Br, Yingchun Li

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