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How can T32 stop the core as soon as system.up - Community / Debugging - Lauterbach Support


How can T32 stop the core as soon as system.up

when debugging a cortex-m3 core, the following .cmm script is used:
system.cpu cortexm3
then the core has already been running the bootrom code. How can the core be stopped at the beginning, at the first instruction for example?

Comments (3)

Khaled Jmal
Hello, which Cortex-M3 based chip are you debugging? Please try to execute before SYStem.Up: SYStem.Option.VECTRESET ON SYStem.Option.SYSRESETREQ ON
Thank you. These two commands worked. I'm debugging a self-designed SoC based on Cortex-M3. Here's another related problem. When Trace32's nSRST pin connects to my board's system reset pin, system.up will fail and 'debug port fail' occurs; otherwise, it will succeed. Is there any suggestion?
Update: I've found why system.up will fail while Trace32's nSRTS is connected to my board's system reset pin. In our SoC design, system reset pin resets all core and debug components. We modified SoC design to separate core reset and debug components reset and to make 'system reset pin' only reset core (also peripherals) but not debug components, then system.up succeeds.

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