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How does debugger treat "bus error" state in some command? - Community / Debugging - Lauterbach Support


How does debugger treat "bus error" state in some command? Awaiting Agent

Hi all,
I use the command DATA.sum to calculate checksum value for a range contains "bus error" (????????). Basing on its result, I see that debugger considered "bus error" as 0 in this case.
So I want to know whether debugger support a configuration to treat "bus error" as 1 or not. If yes, how to configure?
(I used TRACE32 PowerView for V850\RH850 with Software Version: R.2023.02.000159199)
Thank you!

Comment (1)

Wafi Jmal


As a workaround, you can copy your range of memory into virtual memory using the option "/SkipErrors."

Before that, you should set the virtual memory to '111...' as shown in this example:

Data.Set AVM:0x12C0--0x1330 0xffffffff

Data.COPY SD:0x500045F0--0x50004640 AVM:0x12c0 /SkipErrors

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