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J-Tag Unlock RH850 - Community / Debugging - Lauterbach Support

i'm using RH850F1L, I have locked the J-tag, i know the 16Bytes of J-tag key, if i use SYStem.Option.KEYCODE it's not unlocking, i'm getting Debug port fail. i used key in the form of Big-endian method.
Example, J-tag Key 01020304 01020304 01020304 01020304
SYStem.Option.KEYCODE 04030201 04030201 04030201 04030201

i'm using LPD4 method 14Pin J-tag connector, and i tried to change the Debug port method LPD4 to J-Tag also, still the same error.

Comments (6)

I'm using the G3K CPU.
Wafi Jmal

Please try to write the command like shown in this example:
SYStem.Option.KEYCODE 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01
For more information related to RH850 debugging, please refer to this document RH850 Debugger and Trace

Hello @jamal, i follow the same which you mentioned like, SYStem.Option.KEYCODE 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01. but still it's not unlocking. anything i need to take care?
Wafi Jmal


In this case, please open a new ticket using: and include details such as the process you are using to unlock the target, the version of software you are using, the setup you are working with, and any other relevant information.

yes.. can you please tell me Before and after using the System.option.keycode what are the commend we need to use. and what are the settings we need to take care. like, CPU, clock, port type, baud rate, etc
Wafi Jmal


Thank you for your inquiry. For further assistance with your specific question regarding the System.option.keycode command and related settings, I kindly request that you open a new ticket using the following link:

By opening a new ticket, our support team will be able to address your query promptly and provide you with detailed guidance tailored to your specific situation.

If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions while opening the ticket, please feel free to let me know, and I'll be glad to assist you further.

Best regards,


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