Hello! I am experiencing quite an interesting issue and I cannot seem to figure it out.
I'm using a NXP MPC5748G LCEVB and own a PE Micro Multilink Universal and a Lauterbach Powerdebug with a LA 7753 probe.
If I connect the Multilink I can connect it with S32DS Studio and flash the code, enter breakpoints, run normally, and noticed that only the green LED is lit. This is the normal case.
If I connect the Lauterbach, the Trace32 software will not even attach to the ECU. It recognizes the microcontroller but I cannot do anything. Also I noticed that all the 3 LEDs (green, red, yellow) are continuously ON and if I have red correctly in the LCEVB specification, this indicates the ECU is in reset.
I tried all the suggestions from the similar topics:
- If I try to "Attach" in Trace32 I get continuous rapid soft resets.
- If I try "Halt Core at Power on Reset" with or without the Reset button pressed on the LCEVB, I get "SYStem.Up: Timeout while waiting for deassertion of reset (OSR=0x241)".
Also I red in the Lauterbach documentation that if JTAG and NEXUS is both active the debugger cannot work as they interfere with each other and none works, and NEXUS should be somehow disabled. I disabled anything that said "NEXUS" in Trace32 (System.state MemAccess had an option for NEXUS. I set it to Denied). Same behavior with either option selected.
Could you please offer me a hint or what else is still left to be done? Maybe I am missing something.
Thank you!
MPC5748G LCEVB continuous reset with Lauterbach but not with PE Micro Multilink - Community / Board Bring-Up - Lauterbach Support
MPC5748G LCEVB continuous reset with Lauterbach but not with PE Micro Multilink Awaiting Agent
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