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aurix 397有六个核,在调试时怎么停止某一个核,而不影响其它核

Comment (1)

Maryam Kammoun

TRACE32 offers the option of AMP (asymmetric multiprocessing) multicore debugging. This configuration allows you to debug and trace each core from a separate PowerView instance; thus, each TRACE32 PowerView instance is responsible for a single physical core. This allows you to either debug (stop, step, go, etc.) each core separately without affecting other cores or to establish synchronization between the different instances using the command group synch or simply use the SYnch.state window.

For more details about AMP (asymmetric multiprocessing) concept, please refer to

For more details about the possible instances’ connection and commands, please refer to (page 257)

For more details about TriCore AMP configuration, please refer to (page=22)

Furthermore, I would like to highlight our AMP demo scripts available at ~~\demo\tricore\hardware\triboard-tc3x7\tc397x. These scripts provide a helpful demonstration for configuring AMP.

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