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What happens behind the scene when running D.Load to load an .elf file - Community / Debugging - Lauterbach Support


What happens behind the scene when running D.Load to load an .elf file Awaiting Agent

Hi, I would like to understand what happens behind the scene when loading a binary (.elf) on t32, which includes but not limited to what segments inside .elf t32 will load, whether t32 will reset the processor, what registers inside CPU will T32 touch during the loading process etc. Anyway, I would like how the .elf loading process is completed in details. Thanks.

Comments (4)

Khaled Jmal
Hello Richards, Data.LOAD.Elf performs the following actions: * it loads the code/data to the memory according to the description in the ELF file, unless you use the /NoCODE option * it load the debug information in TRACE32 PowerView, unless you use the /NosYmbol option * it sets the value of the program counter to the entry point address of the ELF file, unless you use /NoRegister or /NoCODE The command does not reset the processor.
Richard Chen
Thank you Khaled, your answer is very helpful. Btw, is this information documented somewhere? If so, can you please share a link?
Khaled Jmal
The command Data.LOAD is documented in general_ref_d.pdf where the information you were looking for is included, however with a lot of other information. Some of the options I described are also explained here:
Richard Chen
Thank you Khaled.

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