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ERROR: Inconsistent installation, update file autostart.cmm to version .... - Knowledgebase / Setup / update - Lauterbach Support

ERROR: Inconsistent installation, update file autostart.cmm to version ....

After the start of a TRACE32 PowerView, the PRACTICE script autostart.cmm from the TRACE32 system directory will be executed,

Starting from March 2024, TRACE32 PowerView check the version of this script. If no version or an old version is detected, the following error is printed to the AREA window:

If you are starting TRACE32 PowerView without a graphical user interface, the error message is printed to the console and the TRACE32 application exists.

The reason of such an error is an inconsistent TRACE32 installation. You can try in such a case to reinstall the TRACE32 software or update to the latest TRACE32 release available on the Lauterbach website. In case you need an older software version, contact the Lauterbach technical support team.


The file autostart.cmm should not be modified. In case you need to execute specific commands when starting TRACE32 PowerView, use one of the following files:

  • system-settings.cmm (from the TRACE32 system directory, usually C:\t32)

  • user-settings.cmm (from the user settings directory, on Windows %APPDATA%\TRACE32 or ~/.trace32 otherwise)

  • work-settings.cmm (from the current working directory)

Refer for more information to the TRACE32 Installation Guide

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