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Is the communication with the PowerDebug module over Ethernet secure? - Knowledgebase / Setup / update - Lauterbach Support

Is the communication with the PowerDebug module over Ethernet secure?

PowerDebug E40, PowerDebug PRO and Previous Devices:

The communication over Ethernet between PC and PowerDebug module (UDP) does not offer cybersecurity at all.
An alternative could be to use t32tcpusb which means that the PowerDebug module is connected over USB to a host running t32tcpusb, which is connected over TCP/IP to the host running TRACE32 PowerView. Refer to installation.pdf for more information about t32tcpusb.
When connecting via TCP any kind of protection can be used (e.g. SSH tunnel).

PowerDebug X50

The PowerDebug X50 supports communication over TCP. Please refer to

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Comments (2)
Can we connect more than one device with the "t32tcpusb.exe"?
Wafi Jmal


If you have more than one debugger, you can easily run t32tcpusb by specifying a port number with the command: t32tcpusb .

To use another debugger, simply run the command in a separate command line with a different port number.

Best regards.


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