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[Arm] SYStem.Up / SYStem.Mode Attach returns "target reset detected" - Knowledgebase / FAQs by core architecture / Arm - Lauterbach Support

[Arm] SYStem.Up / SYStem.Mode Attach returns "target reset detected"

This error message means that an active reset signal was detected by TRACE32 when trying to connect to the target.

Check list:

  • Check the nReset line on debug header using a voltmeter or oscilloscope.
  • Try to disconnect the debug cable and reconnect with the board powered off, then power on the board and check if the problem persists. Please note that it is highly recommended to connected/disconnect the debug cable only while the target power is off.
  • Try to connect after setting SYStem.Option ResetDetection NONE.
  • This error could also occur if the power supply does not deliver enough power.

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