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Configure and Start TRACE32 from Python - News / Debug - Lauterbach Support

Mar 22 2023

Configure and Start TRACE32 from Python

Since 2020, Python programs can control TRACE32 via the lauterbach-trace32-rcl module (pyrcl). Up to now, TRACE32 must be started using a config file, which requires familiarization with the TRACE32 configuration file syntax or the use of the configuration tool t32start.exe. Now Lauterbach offers a new
lauterbach-trace32-pystart module (pystart) which allows the configuration and start of TRACE32 directly from Python. See example below.

Beta testers can install pystart by using `pip install --upgrade lauterbach-trace32-pystart`. The documentation is available for download below under “Attachments”.

For feedback and questions, please contact (include "pystart" in the subject).

Supported host OSes: Windows, Linux, MacOSX.

Example for starting TRACE32 PowerView for TriCore using a Python script:

import lauterbach.trace32.pystart as pystart

import sys

debugger_node_name = sys.argv[1]

pystart.defaults.system_path = r"C:\T32"

powerview = pystart.PowerView(pystart.UDPConnection(debugger_node_name), "t32mtc")
powerview.title = f"TRACE32 PowerView for TriCore 0 at PowerDebug Pro {debugger_node_name}" = "T32_tc0"


Example for starting TRACE32 PowerView for TriCore using a config file and the command line:

; classic TRACE32 configuration file



HEADER=TRACE32 PowerView for TriCore 0 PowerDebug Pro ${1}
; host OS command line
t32mtc.exe debugger_node_name

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Comments (7)

Wilson Mark (ETAS-VOS/XEO-ARC9)
This is excellent! I really appreciate the work Lauterbach has done for adding Python support.
Now I can start trace32 through python. Next, I want to run a cmmm script after starting and automatically click a function button in the script. Please tell me how to do it, thank you very much!
Wafi Jmal
Hello, To execute a CMM script through a Python script, you can use the "cbg.cmm()"function. Please refer to this for more information: (~~\demo\api\python\rcl\doc\html) Additionally, you can modify the CMM script to accept parameters, which may help resolve the issue related to the button execution. Regards ,Wafi
How to execute a cmm script using python. I am not able to find any function after launching trace32 from Powerview.
Wafi Jmal

To execute a CMM script you should use dbg.cmm () function

This example will help in this case:

import lauterbach.trace32.rcl as t32api

# Connect to the Trace32 debugger

dbg = t32api.connect()

# Execute the CMM script using the dbg.cmm


Best Regards


Yash Goyani
Hello, Thank you for adding pyrcl and pystart for Trace32 python integration. As I understand pystart only launch Trace32 on machine where python script is executing, is there any way where I can launch Trace32 on different machine on same LAN? Consider a scenario where I need to automate a script execution on remote machine on same LAN. I want to first start a Trace32 instance and a simulator inside that instance on remote machine. After that I want to connect to it via remote api pyrcl from my machine and execute script. Is it possible to archive this without any physical access to remote machine?
Wiem Wala Benayed

You can execute the script that launch TRACE32 in the remote machine using ssh:

ssh user@remote_ip "python3 -u -" < #if the script in the local machine


ssh user@remote_ip "python3 /path/to/" #if the script in the remote machine

Please note that currently, it is possible to access TRACE32 via API from a remote machine. However, we plan to change this approach in the future, and an option will need to be specified to enable remote access.

For this a trace32-pystart will be updated to be able to allow remote access.

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